I just released a plugin for Sublime Text that allows easy access to the most common (for me, anyway) TortoiseGit GUI windows.

Find it at Github or in Sublime Text’s Package Control:

A TortoiseGit Plugin for Sublime Text 2/3
…because who has time to Open Containing Folder… and THEN use TortoiseGit?

A simple plugin to expose the best of the TortoiseGit GUI to the Sublime Text 2/3 context menu.

It adds the following to the context menu for an active file:

  • Diff
  • Show log
  • Commit…
  • Commit… (entire repo)
  • Sync…

If you use Windows and git but haven’t tried TortoiseGit, you’re missing out. And if you’re on Linux/Mac OS X – it’s reason enough to switch. ;)

Also, you might want to take a look at my simple batch file that provides commandline access in a git-like way to those same useful GUI windows.